Relative Clauses

What is a relative clause?

We can use relative clauses to join two English sentences, or to give more information about something. For example:

I bought a new car. It is very fast.
→ I bought a new car that is very fast.

She lives in New York. She likes living in New York.
→ She lives in New York, which she like.

To make relative clauses we need relative pronouns.They are:

Who/That: We use this for people.

→ I like people WHO/THAT have good sense of humor.

which/That: We used this for things

→ I usually read books THAT/WHICH are interesting.

Defining Clauses

A defining relative clause tells which noun we are talking about:

  • I like the woman who lives next door.
    (If I don’t say ‘who lives next door’, then we don’t know which woman I mean).

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